Sadee and Cash's May 14th, 2024 litter

Newest pictures are at the top of the page, the further down you look, the younger the pups.






Here are the newest pictures for this litter.

This will be the final update before the pups go home.


Everyone has a new ID collar, this will remain with them until they go home.

The BOYS in WHITE   :   The GIRL in YELLOW

We had a good vet check last week for everyone, the pups are now weaned and doing great!


These pictures were shot yesterday, they are exactly 8 weeks and 2 days old here.




She's managed to hold her own in a litter of all bigger pups and all boys.

She's a smart girl, she's easily excited and always happy.







Boy #1

He's a lover.

If you talk baby talk to him and get down on his level he will nuzzle into you like a kitten.




Boy #2

He's the biggest boy and he's a gentle giant.


Happy and brave, he seems to be interested in everything.

He is a splitting image of his Grandma, Cadillac Cadee at the same age.




Boy #3

Similar to #2 in personality except maybe just a tad more goofy.

He is very happy and he likes to bounce around from this to that.




Boy #4

He's handsome and he knows it.

He likes to play but he also likes to entertain himself by exploring.

Don't let him out of your sight, he's up to something.





Boy #5

The Black-Brindle boy.
His Brindle is almost exclusively on his face and paws. His body is black.

He's the calmest boy of them all. He likes to play but he loves to sit and be petted.

He might make a good dog to sit on the chair and watch TV with you.


The End.

Please check us out on facebook for some BONUS pictures of this litter.







Everyone is doing great and growing quick.

All pups have had their vet check and 1st shots.

They will get their 2nd shot next week.


This update is a video!

The pups are almost 8 weeks old now.








On May 14th 2024, My newest girl, Sadee May, and my newest boy, Cash: The man in Black, had a beautiful litter of 6.


This is Sadee and Cash's first litter.


5 Boys and 1 girl.

We have.....

1 black girl, 4 black boys and 1 black brindle boy.


Sadee is Black

Cash is Black


I am placing these pups to folks on my waiting list.

If you would like to be added to my waiting list (no obligation)  Please Click HERE

Prices, terms, email address and phone number are located here.


These pups will be ready to go home on Saturday, July 20th, 2024

These guys are now totally weaned, our vet check is later in the week.

They are exactly 5 weeks and 6 days old here.


Over the next 3 weeks I plan on posting a video update and a big photo update here.


Here are their 1st pictures.


All Six

                                    Girl                               Black Boy                                          Black Boy                                  Black Boy                                   Black Boy                              Black-Brindle Boy                                                              

The 4th black boy does have some very faint brindle on some of his paws.

As you can see, 4 pups have some white hairs on the chest... these will almost certainly fade away to very little or to nothing.




The Boys





The Girl




